Funding scheme detail

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Report was generated on 28 Apr 2024 (Date based on PCT time)
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Description & notes (A) - Technology Development Funds; (B) - Patent Protection Funds; (C) - Technology In-Licensing Funds; (D) - Technology Scale-up/ Validation / De-risking Funds; (E) - Market Entry Funds; (F) - Expansion Funds;
NRDC Budding Innovators Award
OrganizationNational Research Development Corporation
Source of fundingGovernment
SchemeNRDC Budding Innovators Award
Type of fundingAwards
Funding Amount100000
Description5 awards of Rs 1 lakh each
Range of fundingUnder Rs 10 lakh
Target investeesstudent innovators
NoteStudent(s) registered for Bachelors or Masters in Academic or Research Institutions, Universities or affiliated Colleges at the time of applying. Maximum age limit is 28 Years The application should be forwarded through Head of the Institution
PurposeTo recognize and encourage inventive talent in the Country and to stimulate the spirit of inventiveness among the scientists, technical persons, industrial workers, technicians, artisans, craftsman and students which could be harnessed for the benefit of the Nation
Focus areaMultiple focus areas
Provides Funds For A, B,
Scheme TypeDefined period scheme
Scheme start date1969-12-31
Scheme end date1969-12-31
Recommended scheme
Scheme statusLive scheme
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